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Ebook Download Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK

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Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK

Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK

Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK

Ebook Download Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK

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Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK

About the Author

Miranda Bruce-Mitford is a graduate in social anthropology and Burmese language and literature and also has an MA in Oriental religious studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University. For some years she has been tutor for the Post-Graduate Diploma in Asian Arts at SOAS. She has lectured and given gallery talks at the British Museum, London, and has escorted numerous groups to Southeast Asia.DK was founded in London in 1974 and is now the world's leading illustrated reference publisher and part of Penguin Random House, formed on July 1, 2013. DK publishes highly visual, photographic nonfiction for adults and children. DK produces content for consumers in over 87 countries and in 62 languages, with offices in Delhi, London, Melbourne, Munich, New York, and Toronto. DK's aim is to inform, enrich, and entertain readers of all ages, and everything DK publishes, whether print or digital, embodies the unique DK design approach. DK brings unrivalled clarity to a wide range of topics with a unique combination of words and pictures, put together to spectacular effect. We have a reputation for innovation in design for both print and digital products.   Our adult range spans travel, including the award-winning DK Eyewitness Travel Guides, history, science, nature, sport, gardening, cookery, and parenting. DK’s extensive children’s list showcases a fantastic store of information for children, toddlers, and babies. DK covers everything from animals and the human body, to homework help and craft activities, together with an impressive list of licensing titles, including the bestselling LEGO® books. DK acts as the parent company for Alpha Books, publisher of the Idiot's Guides series and Prima Games, video gaming publishers, as well as the award-winning travel publisher, Rough Guides.

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Product details

Hardcover: 352 pages

Publisher: DK; 1st Edition edition (June 16, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0756633931

ISBN-13: 978-0756633936

Product Dimensions:

8 x 1.2 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

72 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#24,003 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Typical of DK publishing, this book is big, full of color pictures and fun to thumb through. However, have a magnifying glass ready at hand for many of the picture and photo captions are rendered in small font as well as in some difficult color fonts. These provide a challenge for the unaided eye that detracts for the reading experience.This book is not a comprehensive or exhaustive history of signs and symbols or of their interpretative meanings. However, with said magnifying glass in had and a cup of tea at the ready, this book can provide an enjoyable distraction, especially when one considers the alternative demands for one’s time.

Although I bought this book as a gift I did page through it a bit and it looked really high quality, especially the pages with gold accents. I might buy it for myself in the future.

This book is very nice. Full of great illustrations. The only thing I dislike about it is due to its size and plethora of signs and symbols it covers it does not go into great detail about the things covered within. It does however give you a lot of useful information and has helped me understand the symbolism behind many things.

I absolutely love Symbols & Symbolism, especially Spiritual, Esoteric, Magical & Metaphysical Symbols & Symbolism. So now I have this book as well as Adele Nozedar's Illustrated Book of Signs & Symbols, both of which are gorgeously illustrated with an easy to read layout and tons of information! You can get lost in these books for hours! It's simply fascinating!

"Wherever we live, we are surrounded by symbols--if we choose to see them. We can go through life ignorant of this rich imagery, or we can open our eyes to the deeper truths inherent in much that surrounds us. For those interested in exploring the philosophical and the metaphysical, a world filled with symbols is infinitely rich and rewarding, leading us to a greater understanding of ourselves and bringing a fresh perspective to our lives." - From the bookFrom crosses to triangles, colors to flowers, symbols permeate art, myth, fairytales and movies. Most everyone knows that a heart pierced by an arrow symbolizes love, as well as that of a red rose. But have you ever considered how that association came to be made?What about the pyramid on a dollar bill, "the finger", or the significance of the red string bracelet worn by Kabbalists? Or what does it mean that Bill Clinton "points" with his thumb when giving a speech or that kohl lined the eyes of Ancient Egyptian women? Where is the subtle symbol concealed in the FedEx emblem that earned it one of the top eight logos in modern design history?You'll find the answers to these questions and many more in DK's book Signs & Symbols. At 352-pages with full color illustrations, many in shiny gold, this hardcover reference book is chock full of fascinating tidbits on the origin, lore and associations of thousands of signs and symbols.Here are just some of topics covered in DK's Signs & Symbols:* Fairytale motifs* Religious and national symbols* Body language, hobo signs, hand signals and symbolic gestures* Weather, fire, air, water and earth* Clothing, headwear, uniforms, body adornment and jewelry* Modern phallic symbols (i.e. rockets, guns and guitars)* Plants, herbs, flowers, food, trees and animals* Buddhist mudras* Emoticons, currency symbols and musical notation* Fantastical beasts* Art, theater, dance, masks and musical instruments* Flags, crests and corporate logos* Numerology, Magic Squares, Tarot Major Arcana, Palmistry and Runes* Precious stones and metals* Astrological, Mayan and Celtic glyphs* Death, marriage, creation stories and rites of initiation* Gematria, tetraktys and Sefirot of Kabbalah* Monuments, architecture, home, gardens and mazesGorgeous as a coffee book or simply for leafing through, DK's Signs & Symbols offers magnificent eye-candy via lush photos, gold inking, illustrations, charts and accessible descriptions. As a reference book for writers, researchers, artists or the insanely curious, this book provides extraordinary insights into the patterns, archetypes and symbols found throughout history and modern surrounds.-- Janet Boyer, author of The Back in Time Tarot Book

This book is beautifully put together from front to back. The pictures and artwork are excellent. This is a great resource for artists if they want to add some symbolism into their works. As inspiring as it is, I was mildly disappointed how little depth the texts go into and how it seems somewhat jumbled in the organization department. It's good as visual reference, not for deep research into symbolism.

For as ambitious and broad this book ranges, it’s an impressive compilation.Inevitably, a narrow and intensified focus of few subjects is sacrificed for shallow, shorthand information. Good for cultural exposure and as a leaping point for deeper research.The pages are all fully colored, and many have attractive metallic gold accents. The book is sturdily bound, and pages have a firm, reliable feel to them.

I'm in love with the graphics in this book. I love the quality of this book. Great book and I've learned so much and alot of my questions were answered. Best book I've bought in awhile.

Book is printed in high quality. but the inside is, I'd say, for kids. only very brief description of symbols. few general word on the subject.

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Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK PDF

Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK PDF

Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK PDF
Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins and Meanings, by DK PDF

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